Mens durf te leven
Boris van der Ham

For Boris van der Ham's debut album I was commissioned to create a fully animated music video. It was something I haven't undertaken before, so it was quite the challenge! I learned myself to draw frame for frame animations and used this in combination with other techniques like 3D animation to create a realistic perspective. The idea was to constantly be on the move through life and being pushed in multiple directions by people. Everyone always knows what's best for you, or at least have an opinion about it.

This film illustrates to follow your own way and chase your dreams.

The music video has gained over 120K views since its release. Watch it here on youtube.

Music video
2020 / 03”50 / HD

Director, Motion Designer & Editor: Luc Schraauwers

Zang: Boris van der Ham
Piano: Wim Veenhof
Band: Sander Gebroers
Producer: Boris van der Ham
Original lyrics and music (1917): Dirk Witte
Piano recording:  Hans Aalbers Recording, Nederhorst den Berg
Singing recording: Studio Digital Army, Utrecht
Mix and master - Sander Geboers  
Produced by: Sander Geboers en Boris van der Ham (Hamled)
Music released by: Meneer Dinges
Additional animation: Vincent Kierkels


Stichting De Noordzee


Beeld & Geluid IDFA ReFrame Award 2018